Stage 1: Consultancy for the application of Shop2Win


In this analytical and transferring stage of “know-how”, we display our best resources in marketing and computers to achieve the best adaptation and integration of the Shop2Win loyalty programme for the OPERATOR.

A programme of meetings will be arranged with the leaders of the Marketing, Loyalty, Advertising and Administration Departments in the company. Also, there will be a meeting with the information systems department (ISD) in order to clarify the requirements of the programme.


To design the corporate image of the card.

To decide the expense of the loyalty programme per customer and the cost of the sequence of bets to be used on the card.

To determine the loyalty strategy by means of the final draft of the “Participation rules for cardholders”:

  • Anonymous or personalised card.
  • Permanent or sporadic participation criteria and evaluation filters.
  • Conversion charts: Points / Services / Transactions.
  • Duration and dates of the promotion.
  • Destination of the final jackpot (unclaimed prizes): final draw or transfer to the next Shop2Win promotion.
  • Balance and homogeneity of the series: series A, B and C according to estimates of spending by cardholders.

To decide advertising criteria and requirements.

To decide restrictions on the use of the OPERATOR´s corporate image on the Internet.

To decide systems plan.

To decide communication plan with the I.S.D.

To decide contingency plan.

Procedural book.

  • Issue and delivery of cards.
  • Logistics of bets.
  • Bank account (for the payment and refund of the bets).
  • Bank account (for the deposit of prizes and special jackpots).
  • Prize-giving.

Organic and functional memo of the Shop2Win project for the OPERATOR.  As a start, we will take the first version of the programmatic feasibility meetings held with the OPERATOR´s department leaders.