One of our aims in the stage of application of the programme in
operators and commercial sectors is the adaptation of the
marketing system of Shop2Win to the operator´s own
loyalty strategy.
The marketing principles of Shop2Win and the
lure of the programme (higher or lower share of cash
prizes of the National Lottery depending on
customer´s consumption) is quite straightforward.
However, due to the wide range of commercial sectors
it can be applied to, we must determine, for all of
them, the precise contribution to that loyalty we
require from customers to get their free share of
bets in lottery draws (shopping, services, etc.).
The most accurate definition of this loyalty
requirement for each sector is what best defines the
PARTICIPATION RULES. This is the most important
document cardholders will receive together with
their Shop2Win card. This set of
participation rules would have previously been
published to the cardholdres. |
In the section: STAGES OF APPLICATION (previous page), one can
see at which stage are these rules to be designed: Stage I
“Consultancy for the application of Shop2Win”.
The rules are a comprehensive description of all the possible
events of the Shop2Win loyalty programme as well as a
description of all the sources of information.
Key information for cardholders contained in the
information brochure and the Participation Rules:
How to acquire the card and the requirements
imposed by the Operator. |
Explanation of the contents of the card. |
Competitive participation with other cardholders
sharing the same bets, depending on their
consumption. |
Minimum loyalty requirements in order to keep
the right to the prize in the draws: number of
days without consumption, transactions, or use
of services. After that period of time, they do
not qualify until they consume again. |
Acquisition of points chart: to increase their
interest in participating. |
Right to or exclusion from prizes, according to
expenditure. |
Permanent sources of information about prize
forecasts: the Operator, the call centre and the
website. |
Date of the end of the promotion and the expiry date of the bets
on their cards. |
Immediate award of bigger prizes (1st,
2nd and 3rd categories). |
Accumulation of low prizes for special jackpot
prize (4th and 5th categories). |
Destination of the final jackpot (in the event
of having one) at the end of the promotion:
drawn under a set of rules which have been
previously announced in the Rules of the game or
accumulated for the next Shop2Win
promotion. |
How to cash prizes. |
How to proceed in the event of loss and/or
damage of the card, etc. |
24 hour a day available sources of information
for prize forecasts for the next draws according
to the amount of points obtained until that
precise moment and those of the rest of the
people in the syndicate: the website, call centre,
e-mail, etc. Cash machines (in banking) and SMS
(phone companies) when the possible prize is
higher than a previously stipulated quantity. |