Copyright 1995 – 2005 holds the patent rights for 40 different
industrial designs of Hiperjuego/Shop2win cards with diverse designs
combining bets of the Spanish lottery system and pools
All of them are registered at the Oficina Española de Marcas y
Patentes (OEPM) (Spanish patents office) at the Science and
Technology office. We can provide some other formats of the card
containing bets for these same lottery games with other charts and
circles of bets; however, we assume that given these 40 options we
hold the copyright due to the resemblance of the other possible
combinations. Its title:
“A PVC laminated card which is applicable to a customer´s loyalty
The 40 variations of the card are compiled in the following 4
registers with the cession sentence from OEPM for the
above-mentioned industrial designs. |