Who are us
Javier Ferrer Alós founded the company Modelos Informáticos S.L. (www.midato.com) in 1989 and in two years developed the first spanish mathematic algorithm of cut optimization for rectangular pieces for the wood and glass sectors. This algorithm was implemented in the software CORTE-2 and CORTE-Plus, and presented at the International Furniture Trade Fair in 1990 and at the International Trade Fair CEVISAMA in 1991, both in Valencia (Spain). The success of this product and its high surface optimization level compared with other European algorithms involved the installation and use of the software in many of the wood and glass cut companies.
Since then, Modelos Informáticos S.L. has supplied to those clients PC desktop software, with exceptional results in the raw material use.
In 2005 we conceived an ambitious project to offer our powerful processing system to any company connected to Internet. That would let us become the first provider in such a system of this kind. After a working year, our technical staff has achieved this new Internet service, wich makes possible to any company:
- Any client can manage his own profile: personal form data, license status, cut orders history, possibility of create orders from the data of old ones, etc.
- Order creation and loading from a handy and fast form: up to two different surfaces, many different pieces, dimensions and mesh orientation for each one, saw wide, and type of cut optimization (by area or by minimum number of cut maps.
- Automatized reception of the order request and delivery it to our processing system, which is processing all the requested cut orders the 24h of the day
- Immediate sending of the optimization solution in Acrobat PDF documents, including the cut maps with all the order data. The solution is composed of two PDF files: one with the best área optimization, and the other with other alternative solution optimizing the less number
- With the solution also comes a plain text file with all the pieces coordinates of each cut map wich would allow any technician to transfer the solution to his database, or even to set a cut machine through its RS232 data port.
- And finally the better we have achieved: the speed in all the service and calculation process takes place. In a tipical order to cut 5.000 pieces, with 17 different measures, with a pattern surface of 3600 x 1830 mm, with mesh orientation, saw wide of 1 mm, and a result of 250 boards and 97% of performance.... the solution is send to the client before 3 minutes!!
This service that is at you disposal is new in Internet. All the team who has developed interCorte hope that this service allows you to improve your benefits and to contribute to a better use of materials like the wood, so scare and so noble.
Javier Ferrer Alós
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