Background Information

Back in 1995, after an intense personal investigation into shopping centres, carried out by Mr. Javier Ferrer Alós, the original and innovative idea of HiperJuego ® (vs. Shop2win) was originated. It was based on research into consumers´habits in shopping centres and malls and also on how to apply new loyalty programmes for them. After that, Mr. Ferrer established himself as the leading figure of the project and also as the senior member of registered loyalty systems in Spain.

In 1995, the first version of the programme HiperJuego was invented and registered. See Work Register © Copyright 1995 - 2007.

Due to the project’s originality, our legal consultants began a long-running legal argument with the Spanish Government.  This was concluded in February 2001 with the courts ruling in our favour. We were granted the administrative permit from the Spanish National Lottery Organisation through which the promotion of free lottery bets and pools coupons were granted for those consumers meeting certain requirements; also, on the condition that the marketing of our product (HiperJuego or Shop2win) was not mistaken for those of the above mentioned Organisation.


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After the necessary research on feasibility, strategies and impact together with a analysis, the project was established as a powerful tool to attract many European professionals, from different fields, to become involved in this milestone in the history of human endeavour. It was now ready for proposal to many European operators as a mighty commercial incentive tool.

From the moment the potential of the project was discerned, our computer specialist company Modelos Informáticos S.L. (1989), with many other professionals: computer programmers, lawyers, mathematicians, economists, marketing and design academicians, etc. began to work extremely hard in order to introduce HiperJuego to potential clients and make it a success. They got involved in the task of marketing, assembly, design and product customisation for its application in different commercial sectors. This process has become more intense since 2001, after receiving the permission of the administration. It was due to its global concept and to the growing importance of the project that we decided to abandon the original idea of commercialising our product in independent shopping malls and developed its new aim: a novel commercial strategy for global companies.

Many technical studies and marketing strategies have been developed since 2000 in order to improve the project´s application to different sectors. Their best illustration is the Registration, along with the registration of Trademarks in both the Spanish and British Trademarks and Patents Offices, the creation of  Internet domains, patent rights for all of HiperJuego´s (and Shop2win´s) cards and their graphic designs in order to be applied to and include all European lotteries (Primitivas, EuroMillions, Lotto, Lotto Extra, SuperEnaloto, Spanish pools coupons, Totocalcio, and ONCE coupons), and finally the registration of Phrases in order to give a clear definition of the product´s intentions.

This site collects and organises all the elements of the HiperJuego (known as Shop2Win in Britain and Italy) programme. We intend to provide an answer for any commercial application of the product and to state the benefits of this remarkable loyalty programme.