The Shop2Win loyalty scheme is the same for any
commercial sector: Banking, Distributors, Oil
Companies, Phone companies, Press, Leisure activities
companies, Restaurants, Other products etc. However,
as we have previously stated in other links, its
application cost may vary for each promotion according
to the specific commercial strategy of the OPERATOR
(either signing up new clients or retaining customers).
Basic elements of Shop2Win:
The cards (card or PVC) will be issued for
any company participating in the programme (Banking,
Oil Companies, Phone Companies, Distributors,
etc.) which will send to its customers,
either to all of them or to a selected
group, the Shop2Win card (which will
have been previously adapted to the
company's corporate image). They will also
send a brochure explaining how the programme
works and a leaflet with the rules of the
Shop2Win game (minimum consumption
required, conversion tables, etc.). |
The Shop2Win card can be personalized
to have the name of the cardholder
(depending on the promotion and the sector).
It also contains the compulsory magnetic
strip which keeps a record of the use of
that card by the
cardholder. It needs to be linked to an
existing Operator's card (credit/debit card,
affinity card, etc). The card contains a
barcode in order to control the number of
cards issued, some captions on the rules of
the game for the cardholder and finally, the
Shop2win public announcement on the
protection of the Intellectual Property or ©
Copyright which appears on both sides of the
card. |
It contains, as a gift for the customer's
loyalty, one or more bets printed on
the back of the card. The bets belong to any
The National Lottery draw (Lotto,
Lotto Extra, EuroMillions, etc)
for weekly draws as stated on the card
(expiry date). |
The programme is based on higher or lower
spending by the customers and therefore
share of the prizes of the bets on their
Shop2Win cards. |
The special nature of this programme is that
the bets printed on the cards are shared by
a group of cardholders: series of
cardholders or sub-series of
cardholders club. |
The higher or lower share of the cash
prize is proportional to the shopping,
transactions or services used by the
cardholder as stated in the participation
rules during X days before the date of the
draw (7, 15… etc).
The biggest prizes will be entirely shared
among the winning cardholders (according to
the previously mentioned mathematic
criterion). The unclaimed runner-up lowest
prizes are accumulated for a special JACKPOT
prize. This will either be given to the
winning participants or kept for a special
end of promotion jackpot prize. That is
to say, all the prizes are given to
cardholders in the end. |
There is a minimum spending requirement
for cardholders (when shopping, in
transactions or use of any other of the operator´s services).
No purchases can cause the
temporary exclusion of that particular
cardholder, thus, allowing the rest of the
people in the group to get bigger prizes.
This excluded cardholder qualifies to
enter the game again immediately after
this minimum requirement. |
The kind of SHOPPING, TRANSACTIONS or other
SERVICES that give points will be different
depending on the commercial sector the
Shop2Win programme is applied to. They
will be clearly specified in a chart
included in the leaflet “Participation
Rules”. By the means of the
following examples we can provide a summary
of how points are earned. |
Depends on the use
cardholders make of the bank
cards linked to the Shop2Win
one and on its transactional
Shopping using their mobile
Opening an account.
Using cash machines: cash
withdrawal, top-up of mobile
phones, etc.
Online transactions.
Other banking services:
payment of one´s salary by
credit transfer, mortgages,
Updating savings books.
use of cash machines using
their passbooks,
self-service, etc.
Getting petrol in the petrol
stations chain.
Buying articles in the
petrol station shop which
runs the programme.
Getting the loyalty card of
the programme.
Shopping in malls,
supermarkets, shops, etc.
Getting the operator´s
corporate loyalty card
signing up for the company
telephone line
consumption of phone calls,
Internet access, data
volume, special tariffs…
pay-as-you-go cards
new mobile phone
participating in TV and
radio shows by texting, etc.
buying newspapers
participating in certain
press games, etc.
And also in other sectors: |
etc. |
The daily expenditure of any card holder
will be known by the managing agent of the
programme through a night data transmission
sent by the Operator in a codified and
anonymous file. |
Since the prize forecasts will depend on the
two factors mentioned above, card holders
will have the chance to check those daily
(apart from the points obtained that same
day*) by means of: |