Economic analysis of the cost of HiperJuego loyalty
programme and prize returns for companies which have a
high number of cardholders, between 5 and 10 million.
New prize-giving method based on an accumulated
jackpot of the unclaimed prizes in prior draws.
Demonstration of the possibility of prize refund, 75%
over the bets investment. Optional and possible
forecasts of prizes with a certainty of 50% and 68%
respectively. 80/20 Paretto´s rule for the permanent
forecast of prizes for clients, including the amounts of
money they may get. Prize analysis and historical L.A.E
(Spanish National Lottery) lottery takings in 2001.
Verification of the theoretical forecasts of the
mathematical forecasts. Choice of the most efficient
draws according to their refund ratio. Statistical
projections for 4 different application fields between 5
and 10 million users and two types of weekly bets.