Commercial budget for HiperJuego target sectors:
banking, phone companies, distributors, chains of petrol
stations, newspapers and restaurants. It includes a
summary of the basic principles of the contract for the
establishment of an annual HIPERJUEGO card promotion.
The new PVC HiperJuego card is linked to the main
operators´loyalty card: a credit card in banking, for
instance. The consumption or points obtained through the
operator´s card are the requirements which entitle the
cardholder to enter the prize-giving system. It is the
first time that a loyalty card has been introduced as a
complementary card to the operator´s corporate one.
Therefore, it becomes a perfect advertising tool for
the company. It provides the material support for the
bets, the trademark and the cardholder´s name.
Some of the aspects dealt with in this document for the
estimate of a Hiperjuego card promotion:
- Temporary transfer of copyright: future rights of
usage, with or without exclusiveness, use of the
industrial design of the card, its system and its
patented trademarks.
- Author´s consultancy: about the services implied in
the promotion for the management and application of the
system. Card design and advertising brochures,
calculation of the cost of the bets in a card, logistics
of bets, real-time computerised management of the
programme, daily design and internet publication of
forecasts for cardholders, call centre equipment for
customer´s queries, etc.
- Application cost depending on the sector, its
duration, contracted exclusiveness level and number of
cards issued:
• Cost of the operation license © Copyright.
• Cost of the system management for the whole promotion.
• Cost of the loyalty gift: cardholder´s bets.
New HiperJuego trademarks are created: adapted to the
banking sectors and the four official languages in four
different Spanish autonomies: CajaJuego®, CaixaJoc®,
KutxaJoku® y CaixaXogo®. |