Programme management

The Shop2Win loyalty programme is based on the periodic deployment of PROMOTIONS for the clients of any operator. These will have a fixed duration and cost depending on the type of commercial strategy the operator wishes to use.

The main aim of the management of the programme is to fulfil the basic statement proposed by this innovative loyalty and marketing programme.  In
Summary of Shop2Win statements we provide a summary of the loyalty programme principles.

The operators may choose an outsourcing type of contract within our computer services company, Modelos Informáticos S.L., the authorised managing company of the Programme. There are some other contracting modes available: “
14.- Marketing for commercial Operators”.

In the event of an operator choosing the application of an outsourcing contract for the campaign, our company Modelos Informáticos S.L. provides a service called “key in hand”. With that service, we are the ones who plan all the tasks of application and execution of the project. Therefore, the operator´s task is basically simplified to that of sending the daily anonymous extract of points obtained by any cardholder to us in order to carry on with the promotion tasks.

Throughout the different sections of this link, we quote the documents that operators can refer to in order to get a comprehensive view of the application and management of the programme. Register number XX, “Report on the external application and management of the Hiperjuego loyalty system in Operators”

Objectives of the application of the Programme

The basic objectives to fulfil, according to the principles of the programme, are:


1º.- The adaptation of the design of the Shop2Win ® card (loyalty cost) to the operator´s marketing strategy and the adaptation of two computer applications: a corporate one for the management of the programme and another one for the publication and checking of prize forecasts for cardholders on the website.

2º.- Computer and management resources which guarantee the proper execution of the daily work procedures that the programme requires.

The project Shop2Win is divided into three different stages in order to accomplish its goals:

Consultancy for the application of Shop2Win

Our company (Modelos Informáticos S.L.) will analyse, together with the operator itself, the strategy for the application of the programme and the coordination of its execution.

Adapatation of the Shop2Win card and computerised application of the programme to the operator

Design and making of the Shop2Win card and adaptation of two computer applications: the first one for receiving and calculating the prize forecasts for cardholders every night (corporate application) and the second, for the dynamic and private publication in the website for the Operator´s clients.

Shop2Win Loyalty programme management

Execution of the programme while the promotion lasts, including all the different tasks: logistics, endorsement and guardianship of bets, assistance to cardholders and support for the operator in the prize-giving. Advertising campaign in mass media, using the synergy of the announcement of huge National Lottery prizes, impact through advertisements soon after the prize-giving of important prizes to a considerable amount of cardholders, etc.

Depending on the commercial sector and the specific objectives of the promotion, the Basic participation Rules are different. They will be personalised after the first stage of consultancy, following the operator´s Marketing and Loyalty departments` instructions carefully. They will facilitate the targets they want to aim for, and also their commercial objectives, which will be measured throughout the whole promotion in order to see whether we are fulfilling them or not.


Stages in the application of the Shop2Win programme for Operators

Each stage of the project implies the use of certain resources from the manager in favour of the Operator and, therefore, they aim at specific objectives. Below, we provide a set of examples of the contents in each stage of application of the Shop2win programme for a generic operator.


Stage 1 : Consultancy for the application of Shop2Win

Stage 2 : Adaptation of the Shop2Win card and computerised application of the programme for the Operator

Stage 3 : Management of the loyalty programme Shop2Win

Outline of the management of the Programme


Programmed meetings with operator

As stated in Stage I, the consultation before the actual application must establish certain dates for meetings with the Operator´s specialised departments (mainly marketing and loyalty). In those, the specific design of the campaign and the procedures affecting the corporate image of the operator, its strategies, management of the programme and its success will be decided.

Advertising: corporate image of the card, advertising supports and web site.

Marketing and Loyalty: selection of the cost and the strategy to achieve loyalty, selection of the NGO (contribution of the campaign), if chosen by the operator, see 6.- Shop2win Contributions for NGOs” , relations with cardholders policy, advertising campaigns, design of the “Rules for Cardholders”, prize-giving procedures and exhaustive monitoring of the success and penetration of the promotion.

Information systems - DSI: data processing, contingency plan and statistics.

Administration: accountancy of the loyalty cost and deposits of prizes, receipts of the bets and shared guardianship.

Extension of the matters to be dealt with in the departmental meetings.



Corporate image
  • Design of the Shop2Win card: design of the front side (trademark, identification codes …) and back (bets, bar code for manufacturing control: club or group of cardholders number and card issue number). Besides these, it will contain other compulsory texts: Copyright, submission of the bets to the rules of the programme, guarantee of prizes (through The National Lottery), Call centre telephone number and website address, in order to check the forecasts of prizes and other important information for cardholders.

  • Images of the brochures and advertisements, compulsory texts and advertising restrictions.

  • Image and style of presentation in the internet domain\OPERATOR for operators.

Card manufacture: materials use: PVC or laminated card, lasting for up to 6 months, and its finish design.

Marketing and Loyalty

Selection of the fixed loyalty cost per cardholder: sequence of bets

  • Amount and nature of the free Shop2Win bets on the card.
  • The National Lottery bets
  • Maximum number of participants in a group (mechanised club)
Loyalty strategy
  • Selection of the kind of card to be issued: anonymous with a personal code (to be used in petrol stations by showing it at the counter) or personalised card (Banking and Distributors).

  • Linking to an existing participant´s card of the operator: credit/debit card or affinity cards.

  • Procedures for the distribution  of the card: only when requested through an application form or by means of mass distribution. In the first case, we must determine the way to proceed: cardholder´s application – operator´s request file sent to the manager of the programme – delivery of encoded cards, including the name of the cardholder and with the support of the operator for the bets in order to carry on with the subsequent delivery to its destination.

  • Design of the application forms, when necessary.
  • Person responsible for the delivery of the cards.
  • A highly important matter to bear in mind in these initial meetings is that of establishing the “Rules of participation for cardholders”: charts with the OPERATOR´s products and services which provide points, then right to participate, the exemption or inclusion of prizes, the addition to jackpots of those unclaimed minor prizes, prize-giving procedures, advertising recommendations after big prizes, etc.

  • Deciding on the homogeneous A, B and C groups of consumption. The division of the consumers into these three groups sharing the same tendency towards consumption facilitates a much more effective division of the forecasts of prizes for each group or club. In petrol station chains, for instance, we can provide cards for those regular consumers with an ordinary consumption of petrol, and therefore, have another group of professional drivers with high petrol consumption rates. In banking, we can assign consumers to the three above-mentioned categories by referring to their bank statements: A (high), B (medium) C (low). This system can be easily applied to the different sectors and therefore improve the division of prize forecasts according to the different group consumers belong to. Thus, we are enhancing the efficacy of the Shop2Win programme itself. 

Policy of relationships with users

  • Procedures and assistance manners in our call centre
  • Summary of the prize forecast to be sent via e-mail to those cardholders who have requested this service

  • Information available in the website for cardholders
Mass media advertising campaigns  
  • Recommendations and restrictions.
  • Prize-giving worldwide and biggest cardholder´s prizes: advertising impacts.
  • jackpots.
  • Programme´s exclusiveness for the Operator´s customers: DIFFERENTIATION.
  • Attraction of new customers and keeping the existing ones.
  • Powerful incentive for increasing the use of the operator´s card and services.


Success and market penetration measurement (the statistical analyses are conducted with anonymous cards)

  • Analysis of consumption curves.
  • Analysis of the “regularity of use and changes in tendency” of consumption and services. The survey of the evolution of this variable is highly interesting and one of the principles of our programme. It measures the capacity to captivate.

  • Synergy: linking the consumer´s consumption peaks to the announcement of The National Lottery biggest prizes, increase of jackpots for lowest prizes…

  • Surveys conducted with cardholders in order to measure the satisfaction index of cardholders regarding this new loyalty programme.

  • Opinion in specialised media and its social effects.

  • Measurement of the interest of potential users who still do not have a card using a registration form or by other customer service means.

  • Measurement of the interest of individuals who are not the operator´s customers to register for the programme and take part in it: it measures the interest in joining the programme

Information systems - DSI

Data transmission

  • Data – ASCI – and fields, for the transmission of anonymous and daily customers´consumption.

  • Data – ASCI – and fields, of the cash prize-giving by the OPERATOR and its online publication.

  • Data – ASCI – of the daily prize forecasts for cardholders to be sent to the OPERATOR for its presentation in any of their offices, customer´s advice points or any other use.

  • Ways and procedures of communication.

Contingency plan

  • Alternatives to communication failures.
  • Sending control: final register of bytes sent.


  • Summaries of data to be sent to the OPERATOR.
  • Customer loyalty indexes.
Accounting of the loyalty costs, deposits and prize-givings 
  • Procedures for the custody of Lotto, Lotto Extra and EuroMillions lottery tickets in a safe in one of the operator´s bank offices.

  • Procedures for the weekly payment of prizes into a bank account. Deposit of the refund of the ticket prize into that same account for the acquisition of new bets.

  • Suitcase delivery of expired tickets in order to justify the expenses of the loyalty programme.

  • Procedures to follow for the deposit of prizes and creation of the jackpot prize (unclaimed low prizes) to be deposited in an OPERATOR´s bank account.

  •  Procedures in prize-giving.

  • The lottery tickets, by strict principle of the Participation Rules, belong entirely to cardholders or, in the event of none of them qualifying for the prize, to the OPERATOR. The manager of the programme does not have any right to them; we are just in charge of the logistics and the guardianship of lottery tickets.

For detailed contents on logistics and custody, see register number XX ”Research on establishment and external management of Hiper-Juego (Shop2win) loyalty programme in Operators”